Sunday, August 31, 2008

Consider this before you move
to Arizona


  1. LOL as someone who used to live in Tucson, this rings very true! :)

  2. You omitted Las Vegas (NV). I used to live there, and when a friend from San Francisco complained about a heat wave (highs of 84), I pointed out: "We have LOWS of 84."

  3. I'm in Tucson and this is SO TRUE! When it gets over 100 here, we all say "At least we're not in Phoenix", and just looking at Yuma's temps regularly makes people faint. Perfect!

  4. Thing is, I willingly go jogging in that heat. I absolutely love the hot temperatures and thrive in them.

    Though I wonder, if Pluto isn't a planet anymore, how is it possible for Yuma to be one?

  5. I believe the astronomical boffins have devised a new classification for the likes of Pluto: Dwarf planet. Come to your own conclusions about poor Yuma, which never seems to get any respect . . .

  6. I'm an Arizona girl and this drawing is accurate, but there is a few changes needed. The Phoenix is on Mars now and Flagstaff is missing from this picture! :)
